
birthday: 5/28/2021
Standing at 3 feet tall, Acheron is shorter than most newborn moths, but despite their small stature, there's something unnerving about them. Their bright blue eyes and core pierce through the darkness, like a krill's searchlight. Their skin gradually shifts from brown to black moving down each of their limbs, and their fingers end in sharp points. If they were to take off their mask, you would see silver markings around their eyes.
At a glace it looks like they're wearing the krill cape, but their wings and tail are real. They sometimes wear a larger cape over their wings to hide them. Acheron's mask resembles the fortune bull mask, but it has shifted to look more dragon-like (not always reflected in screenshots or art of them).
While Acheron is under the influence of their krill, their appearance shifts. All the color drains from their appearance, save for their eyes, which glow an eerie red. Their horns grow and point forwards, over the top of the mask.
Acheron has light memories of krill mixed into their inner light. This has altered their physical appearance, giving them sharp claws, teeth, and horns. They can run on two legs or four, and they're a very good climber.
Due to their krill light, Acheron's body has forgotten how to be a skykid. They can barely fly, and they haven't had much luck trying to relearn. Light doesn't close their wounds either. A light healer would have to either guide their shell through healing or close their injuries with clay.
Acheron's soul has been completely severed from the Light. It is unknown if there is any way to reconnect them. Without that connection, Acheron can't reach orbit.
Acheron is a skykid of few words. Talking is hard for them, so they usually speak in fragmented sentences. No matter the volume, they always sound like they're whispering. Acheron is very nervous around skykids they don't know. Because of their krill traits, other skykids sometimes see them as unpredictable and dangerous. Acheron rarely leaves the wasteland, mostly because many of the realms are too bright for them, but they sometimes visit the vault.
When Acheron is overwhelmed by krill memories, they don't speak at all. Their behavior becomes more animalistic, and they might start patrolling like a krill. They are only dangerous if they perceive another skykid as a threat or as prey. This form is often called "Krilleron".
Taz: the besties. the evers. Taz and Acheron are so so close. They love each other and they trust each other and they hold each other when their wounds ache too much to bear alone.
Celadon: They somewhat trust Celadon. The two of them fought while Acheron was wandering (which usually ended with Acheron being seriously injured) but Celadon's care for Taz has made Acheron at least appreciate them.
Uhitar: Acheron misses Uhitar. But at the same time, they're afraid. They've changed so much, will their old mentor mourn who they used to be? Will they still be loved? Acheron doesn't know. They're afraid to find out.
Saga: Taz rarely talks about Saga, so Acheron doesn't have the full picture of their dynamic. To Acheron, Saga is one of Taz's many wounds. They don't like Saga, how could they, all Acheron knows about them is the hole they left in Taz's heart.
Eridor: Will kill them on sight.
Trick: Good friends. As Trick is a dark creature they are one of the few people who can speak directly with Elegy. Trick belongs to @csabyssallight.
Acheron was born May 28, 2021, during the Season of Assembly. They met Uhitar in the Starlight Desert at the beginning of the Season of The Little Prince. But most of their story takes place during and after the Season of Performance.
Midway through the Season of Performance, Eden starts rumbling. Though most of the shards don't fall until Shattering, some shards do erupt early. One of these shards fell in the wasteland, where Acheron was flying with a Orino. They were unfortunate enough to be hit squarely by the shard, and they were caught beneath it. After the shard was cleared, Orino carried their broken body to the wasteland temple. Though the Wasteland Elder was still struggling in the aftermath of the shard, they were able to piece Acheron back together. Acheron was then overwhelmed by krill memories and ran away while the other two were resting.
Acheron wandered the wasteland for about half a month before meeting Taz. They had been injured, and they'd seen Taz's campfire. They stumbled into camp and then collapsed by the fire. Taz patched them up, and for the rest of the month that was the extent of their relationship.
Near the beginning of the Season of Shattering, Acheron began to corrupt. They became hostile to any skykid they saw, and they were covered in wounds. After about a week of this, they returned to Taz's camp and attacked them. Taz was able to pin them down and cleanse the corruption, and that was when Acheron woke up. Acheron now lives with Taz in the outer wasteland.
When Acheron was finally conscious in their own body, they started rejecting their krill memories, diving themselves into what was them and what was the krill. The memories labeled as krill eventually formed a krill inside Acheron's mind. Acheron would name that krill Elegy (depicted as a large krill wearing a yellow scarf). So now, instead of being overwhelmed by vague memories, Elegy occasionally takes over the body and runs around trying to eat butterflies.

(this is the most canon-accurate image of their mask I have)

by @csabyssallight on tumblr